Difference: FOOTReconstruction (1 vs. 15)

Revision 152022-02-09 - AlessioSarti


SHOE Reconstruction software (of the FOOT experiment)

Architecture of the SHOE-Reconstuction code

The part of SHOE dedicated to the event reconstracion is divided in 3 parts:

  1. Libraries of general interest, containing the main classes used by the reconstruction (and in part by the generation) code. The GenFit external libraries are also here.
  2. Level0 reconstruction code that is in charge of the interpretation of both MC and acquired data, digitization, alignment and clustering of the events and the track reconstruction.
  3. HighLevel reconstruction that is in charge of the fragment identification and of the cross section measurement.

A breaf scheme of SHOE-reco follows.


Running SHOE

Getting the code

The instructions on how to get the code can be found in the sotfware page.

Environment setup

Every time you enter in your machine, you have to setup the SHOE environment doing.

Starting from where you installed the software.
Starting from where you installed the software.
cd shoe/build
source setupFOOT.sh
Then, if you are on the tier3 or on your local laptop you can follow different instructions.

To complete the setup at the tier3 you can

source /opt/rh/devtoolset-6/enable; source /opt/exp_software/foot/root4foot.sh
 Then you can check out that the libraries are properly compiled and placed inside the libs/lib folder.

Running the code using the executables

The software needs to be run under the build folder, selecting the project that you want to start with.
The instructions can be found in the Software page and in the tutorial pages.
Before running, have a look at the global parameters defined in the global configuration file:
For latest instructions and examples, please send an email to foot-software-develop@lists.infn.it
nano $FOOTCONFIG/FootGlobal.par

(exit with ctrl-x). You can replace nano with your favourite file editor.

Running the GSI MC reconstruction.

First of all you need to

  • Setup the environment under build:
  • go into the build/Reconstruction/level0
cd build/Reconstruction/level0
  • Execute the following command
../../bin/DecodeMC -in filename.root -out test.root -his -ntu -trk -nev 1500  -exp GSI -hit  

This command contains a lot of 'tuning' of what you are telling shoe to do: here's an explanation of the flags and of the underlying setup.

  • DecodeMC is the executable
  • filename.root should be replaced with the input file you want to process
  • test.root should be replaced with the output file you want to generate
  • -his: produces histograms
  • -ntu: fills the ntuple
  • -trk: performs the track reconstruction
  • -nev: process a fixed number of events
  • -exp: specified the geometry and tuning for the data/MC. Configurations are loaded from config/GSI and geomaps/GSI (in this case)
  • -hit: the hit information is saved into the ntuple

Running the data reconstruction

First of all you need to

  • Setup the environment under build:
  • go into the build/Reconstruction/level0
cd build/Reconstruction/level0
  • Execute the following command

<--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
../../bin/DecodeRaw -in data.dat -out test.root  -his -ntu -trk -nev 150  -exp GSI 

This command contains a lot of 'tuning' of what you are telling shoe to do: here's an explanation of the flags and of the underlying setup.

  • DecodeRaw is the executable
  • data.dat should be replaced with the input file you want to process
  • test.root should be replaced with the output file you want to generate
  • -his: produces histograms
  • -ntu: fills the ntuple
  • -trk: performs the track reconstruction
  • -nev: process a fixed number of events
  • -exp: specified the geometry and tuning for the data/MC. Configurations are loaded from config/GSI and geomaps/GSI (in this case

Input Files

You can find the available MC samples lsted and described here.

For the data files, a description of the GSI sample can be found here.

Output Files

The SHOE-reconstuction code stores the information in an ntuple file and in ah histogram file:


The KalmanFilter tracking info are plotter in the results folder as .root and .png files.

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FOOT_code_schema.png" attr="" comment="" date="1499098607" name="FOOT_code_schema.png" path="FOOT_code_schema.png" size="630444" user="SchiccioFrank" version="1"

Revision 142020-01-14 - AlessioSarti


SHOE Reconstruction software (of the FOOT experiment)

Architecture of the SHOE-Reconstuction code

The part of SHOE dedicated to the event reconstracion is divided in 3 parts:

  1. Libraries of general interest, containing the main classes used by the reconstruction (and in part by the generation) code. The GenFit external libraries are also here.
  2. Level0 reconstruction code that is in charge of the interpretation of both MC and acquired data, digitization, alignment and clustering of the events and the track reconstruction.
  3. HighLevel reconstruction that is in charge of the fragment identification and of the cross section measurement.

A breaf scheme of SHOE-reco follows.



Running SHOE

Getting the code


Running SHOE

Getting the code

  The instructions on how to get the code can be found in the sotfware page.

Environment setup


Environment setup

Every time you enter in your machine, you have to setup the SHOE environment doing:
Every time you enter in your machine, you have to setup the SHOE environment doing.
# starting from where you installed the software
cd shoe
source setupFOOT.sh
source /opt/rh/devtoolset-6/enable; source  /opt/exp_software/foot/root4foot.sh

SHOE compilation and run

The software compilatin proceeds in 2 steps:
Starting from where you installed the software.
cd shoe/build
source setupFOOT.sh
  1. GenFit compile
Then, if you are on the tier3 or on your local laptop you can follow different instructions.
  1. SHOE libraries compilation;
  2. Level0 compilation;
GenFit compile
Setup the environment and go to the folder
source /opt/rh/devtoolset-6/enable; source  /opt/exp_software/foot/root4foot.sh
To complete the setup at the tier3 you can
source /opt/rh/devtoolset-6/enable; source /opt/exp_software/foot/root4foot.sh
cd $FOOTMAIN/libs/GenFit
Then you can check out that the libraries are properly compiled and placed inside the libs/lib folder.

Running the code using the executables

and follow the instructions in the file README.build
The software needs to be run under the build folder, selecting the project that you want to start with.
SHOE libraries compilation
Go to the SHOE libraries folder
Before running, have a look at the global parameters defined in the global configuration file:
nano $FOOTCONFIG/FootGlobal.par
cd $FOOTMAIN source setupFOOT.sh source /opt/rh/devtoolset-6/enable; source /opt/exp_software/foot/root4foot.sh
(exit with ctrl-x). You can replace nano with your favourite file editor.

Running the GSI MC reconstruction.

and compile
make -j8
First of all you need to
  • Setup the environment under build:
  • go into the build/Reconstruction/level0
cd build/Reconstruction/level0
  • Execute the following command
../../bin/DecodeMC -in filename.root -out test.root -his -ntu -trk -nev 1500  -exp GSI -hit  
Then you can check out that the libraries are properly compiled and placed inside the libs/lib folder.
Level0 compilation and run
This command contains a lot of 'tuning' of what you are telling shoe to do: here's an explanation of the flags and of the underlying setup.
  • filename.root should be replaced with the input file you want to process
  • test.root should be replaced with the output file you want to generate
  • -his: produces histograms
  • -ntu: fills the ntuple
  • -trk: performs the track reconstruction
  • -nev: process a fixed number of events
  • -exp: specified the geometry and tuning for the data/MC. Configurations are loaded from config/GSI and geomaps/GSI (in this case)
  • -hit: the hit information is saved into the ntuple

Running the data reconstruction

Go to the level0 folder and compile the code using the command:
make DecodeMC -j8
First of all you need to
  • Setup the environment under build:
  • go into the build/Reconstruction/level0
cd build/Reconstruction/level0
  • Execute the following command
This will produce as output the DecodeMC executable. You can run it by doing:
./DecodeMC -in MCinputFile.root
<--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
../../bin/DecodeRaw -in data.dat -out test.root  -his -ntu -trk -nev 150  -exp GSI 
Before running, have a look at the global parameters defined in the global configuration file:
nano $FOOTCONFIG/FootGlobal.par
This command contains a lot of 'tuning' of what you are telling shoe to do: here's an explanation of the flags and of the underlying setup.
  • data.dat should be replaced with the input file you want to process
  • test.root should be replaced with the output file you want to generate
  • -his: produces histograms
  • -ntu: fills the ntuple
  • -trk: performs the track reconstruction
  • -nev: process a fixed number of events
  • -exp: specified the geometry and tuning for the data/MC. Configurations are loaded from config/GSI and geomaps/GSI (in this case
(exit with ctrl-x).

Input Files


Input Files

You can find the available MC samples lsted and described here. They are stored in the Bologna-tier3 site under: /home/FOOT-T3/battistfoott3/SimulatedData.
You can find the available MC samples lsted and described here.
The current version of SHOE supports V12.4 simulated samples.
For the data files, a description of the GSI sample can be found here.

Output Files


Output Files

 The SHOE-reconstuction code stores the information in an ntuple file and in ah histogram file:

The KalmanFilter tracking info are plotter in the results folder as .root and .png files.


The reconstruction of data events

Still a long way to go...

-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-07-06 -- Schiccio Frank - 2017-07-03


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FOOT_code_schema.png" attr="" comment="" date="1499098607" name="FOOT_code_schema.png" path="FOOT_code_schema.png" size="630444" user="SchiccioFrank" version="1"

Revision 132019-12-16 - AlessioSarti


SHOE Reconstruction software (of the FOOT experiment)

Architecture of the SHOE-Reconstuction code

The part of SHOE dedicated to the event reconstracion is divided in 3 parts:

  1. Libraries of general interest, containing the main classes used by the reconstruction (and in part by the generation) code. The GenFit external libraries are also here.
  2. Level0 reconstruction code that is in charge of the interpretation of both MC and acquired data, digitization, alignment and clustering of the events and the track reconstruction.
  3. HighLevel reconstruction that is in charge of the fragment identification and of the cross section measurement.

A breaf scheme of SHOE-reco follows.


Running SHOE

Getting the code

The instructions on how to get the code can be found in the sotfware page.

Environment setup

Every time you enter in your machine, you have to setup the SHOE environment doing:

# starting from where you installed the software
cd shoe
source setupFOOT.sh
source /opt/rh/devtoolset-6/enable; source  /opt/exp_software/foot/root4foot.sh

SHOE compilation and run

The software compilatin proceeds in 2 steps:

  1. GenFit compile
  2. SHOE libraries compilation;
  3. Level0 compilation;
GenFit compile

Setup the environment and go to the folder

source /opt/rh/devtoolset-6/enable; source  /opt/exp_software/foot/root4foot.sh

cd $FOOTMAIN/libs/GenFit

and follow the instructions in the file README.build

SHOE libraries compilation

Go to the SHOE libraries folder

source setupFOOT.sh
source /opt/rh/devtoolset-6/enable; source  /opt/exp_software/foot/root4foot.sh
  and compile
make -j8

Then you can check out that the libraries are properly compiled and placed inside the libs/lib folder.

Level0 compilation and run

Go to the level0 folder and compile the code using the command:

make DecodeMC -j8

This will produce as output the DecodeMC executable. You can run it by doing:

./DecodeMC -in MCinputFile.root

Before running, have a look at the global parameters defined in the global configuration file:

nano $FOOTCONFIG/FootGlobal.par

(exit with ctrl-x).

Input Files

You can find the available MC samples lsted and described here. They are stored in the Bologna-tier3 site under: /home/FOOT-T3/battistfoott3/SimulatedData.

The current version of SHOE supports V12.4 simulated samples.

Output Files

The SHOE-reconstuction code stores the information in an ntuple file and in ah histogram file:


The KalmanFilter tracking info are plotter in the results folder as .root and .png files.

The reconstruction of data events

Still a long way to go...

Developer instructions

Anyone who wants to develop its own part of the code and wants to add it back on a second time, should please follows the instrctions below:

  1. Contact the code managers.
  2. Download (git clone) of update (git pull) to the latest version of the code (master branch).
  3. Create your new branch (git checkout -b branchName).
  4. Work on your branch and commit regularly.
  5. When your task is done and you wants to merge back to the main (master) branch, contact the code managers (or make a merge request on baltig page).

You can find more information in the following slides done at the SHOE tutorial in Bologna on 7-8th March 2018: Reconsturction slides & Ntuple descrition slides
I recall you can find the exercises solution in in the git branch "xxx02", to be compared with the tutorial stable branch "tutorial01".

  -- Alessio Sarti - 2016-07-06 -- Schiccio Frank - 2017-07-03



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FOOT_code_schema.png" attr="" comment="" date="1499098607" name="FOOT_code_schema.png" path="FOOT_code_schema.png" size="630444" user="SchiccioFrank" version="1"

Revision 122018-12-17 - SchiccioFrank


SHOE Reconstruction software (of the FOOT experiment)

Architecture of the SHOE-Reconstuction code

The part of SHOE dedicated to the event reconstracion is divided in 3 parts:

  1. Libraries of general interest, containing the main classes used by the reconstruction (and in part by the generation) code. The GenFit external libraries are also here.
  2. Level0 reconstruction code that is in charge of the interpretation of both MC and acquired data, digitization, alignment and clustering of the events and the track reconstruction.
  3. HighLevel reconstruction that is in charge of the fragment identification and of the cross section measurement.

A breaf scheme of SHOE-reco follows.


Running SHOE

Getting the code

The instructions on how to get the code can be found in the sotfware page.

Environment setup

Every time you enter in your machine, you have to setup the SHOE environment doing:

# starting from where you installed the software
cd shoe
source setupFOOT.sh
source setupFOOT.sh
source /opt/rh/devtoolset-6/enable; source /opt/exp_software/foot/root4foot.sh

SHOE compilation and run

The software compilatin proceeds in 2 steps:

  1. GenFit compile
  2. SHOE libraries compilation;
  3. Level0 compilation;
GenFit compile
Go to the folder
cd $FOOTMAIN/libs/GenFit
Setup the environment and go to the folder
source /opt/rh/devtoolset-6/enable; source  /opt/exp_software/foot/root4foot.sh
cd $FOOTMAIN/libs/GenFit
 and follow the instructions in the file README.build
SHOE libraries compilation

Go to the SHOE libraries folder

cd $FOOTMAIN source setupFOOT.sh source /opt/rh/devtoolset-6/enable; source /opt/exp_software/foot/root4foot.sh
 and compile
make -j8
  Then you can check out that the libraries are properly compiled and placed inside the libs/lib folder.
Level0 compilation and run

Go to the level0 folder and compile the code using the command:

make DecodeMC
make DecodeMC -j8
  This will produce as output the DecodeMC executable. You can run it by doing:
./DecodeMC -in MCinputFile.root

Before running, have a look at the global parameters defined in the global configuration file:

nano $FOOTCONFIG/FootGlobal.par

(exit with ctrl-x).

Input Files

You can find the available MC samples lsted and described here. They are stored in the Bologna-tier3 site under: /home/FOOT-T3/battistfoott3/SimulatedData.

The current version of SHOE supports V12.4 simulated samples.

Output Files

The SHOE-reconstuction code stores the information in an ntuple file and in ah histogram file:


The KalmanFilter tracking info are plotter in the results folder as .root and .png files.

The reconstruction of data events

Still a long way to go...

Developer instructions

Anyone who wants to develop its own part of the code and wants to add it back on a second time, should please follows the instrctions below:

  1. Contact the code managers.
  2. Download (git clone) of update (git pull) to the latest version of the code (master branch).
  3. Create your new branch (git checkout -b branchName).
  4. Work on your branch and commit regularly.
  5. When your task is done and you wants to merge back to the main (master) branch, contact the code managers (or make a merge request on baltig page).

You can find more information in the following slides done at the SHOE tutorial in Bologna on 7-8th March 2018: Reconsturction slides & Ntuple descrition slides
I recall you can find the exercises solution in in the git branch "xxx02", to be compared with the tutorial stable branch "tutorial01".

-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-07-06 -- Schiccio Frank - 2017-07-03



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FOOT_code_schema.png" attr="" comment="" date="1499098607" name="FOOT_code_schema.png" path="FOOT_code_schema.png" size="630444" user="SchiccioFrank" version="1"

Revision 112018-06-07 - SchiccioFrank


SHOE Reconstruction software (of the FOOT experiment)

Architecture of the SHOE-Reconstuction code

The part of SHOE dedicated to the event reconstracion is divided in 3 parts:

  1. Libraries of general interest, containing the main classes used by the reconstruction (and in part by the generation) code. The GenFit external libraries are also here.
  2. Level0 reconstruction code that is in charge of the interpretation of both MC and acquired data, digitization, alignment and clustering of the events and the track reconstruction.
  3. HighLevel reconstruction that is in charge of the fragment identification and of the cross section measurement.

A breaf scheme of SHOE-reco follows.


Running SHOE

Getting the code

The instructions on how to get the code can be found in the sotfware page.

Environment setup

Every time you enter in your machine, you have to setup the SHOE environment doing:

# starting from where you installed the software
cd shoe
source setupFOOT.sh

SHOE compilation and run

The software compilatin proceeds in 2 steps:

  1. GenFit compile
  2. SHOE libraries compilation;
  3. Level0 compilation;
GenFit compile

Go to the folder

cd $FOOTMAIN/libs/GenFit

and follow the instructions in the file README.build

SHOE libraries compilation

Go to the SHOE libraries folder


and compile


Then you can check out that the libraries are properly compiled and placed inside the libs/lib folder.

Level0 compilation and run

Go to the level0 folder and compile the code using the command:

make DecodeMC

This will produce as output the DecodeMC executable. You can run it by doing:

./DecodeMC -in MCinputFile.root

Before running, have a look at the global parameters defined in the global configuration file:

nano $FOOTCONFIG/FootGlobal.par

(exit with ctrl-x).

Input Files

You can find the available MC samples lsted and described here. They are stored in the Bologna-tier3 site under: /home/FOOT-T3/battistfoott3/SimulatedData.

The current version of SHOE supports V12.4 simulated samples.

Output Files

The SHOE-reconstuction code stores the information in an ntuple file and in ah histogram file:


The KalmanFilter tracking info are plotter in the results folder as .root and .png files.

The reconstruction of data events

Still a long way to go...

-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-07-06 -- Schiccio Frank - 2017-07-03
Developer instructions

Developer instructions

 Anyone who wants to develop its own part of the code and wants to add it back on a second time, should please follows the instrctions below:
  1. Contact the code managers.
  2. Download (git clone) of update (git pull) to the latest version of the code (master branch).
  3. Create your new branch (git checkout -b branchName).
  4. Work on your branch and commit regularly.
  5. When your task is done and you wants to merge back to the main (master) branch, contact the code managers (or make a merge request on baltig page).

You can find more information in the following slides done at the SHOE tutorial in Bologna on 7-8th March 2018: Reconsturction slides & Ntuple descrition slides
I recall you can find the exercises solution in in the git branch "xxx02", to be compared with the tutorial stable branch "tutorial01".

-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-07-06 -- Schiccio Frank - 2017-07-03



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FOOT_code_schema.png" attr="" comment="" date="1499098607" name="FOOT_code_schema.png" path="FOOT_code_schema.png" size="630444" user="SchiccioFrank" version="1"

Revision 102018-03-08 - SchiccioFrank


SHOE Reconstruction software (of the FOOT experiment)

Architecture of the SHOE-Reconstuction code

The part of SHOE dedicated to the event reconstracion is divided in 3 parts:

  1. Libraries of general interest, containing the main classes used by the reconstruction (and in part by the generation) code. The GenFit external libraries are also here.
  2. Level0 reconstruction code that is in charge of the interpretation of both MC and acquired data, digitization, alignment and clustering of the events and the track reconstruction.
  3. HighLevel reconstruction that is in charge of the fragment identification and of the cross section measurement.

A breaf scheme of SHOE-reco follows.

Tutorial slide

Running SHOE

Getting the code

The instructions on how to get the code can be found in the sotfware page.

Environment setup

Every time you enter in your machine, you have to setup the SHOE environment doing:

# starting from where you installed the software
cd shoe
source setupFOOT.sh

SHOE compilation and run

The software compilatin proceeds in 2 steps:

  1. GenFit compile
  2. SHOE libraries compilation;
  3. Level0 compilation;
GenFit compile

Go to the folder

cd $FOOTMAIN/libs/GenFit

and follow the instructions in the file README.build

SHOE libraries compilation

Go to the SHOE libraries folder


and compile


Then you can check out that the libraries are properly compiled and placed inside the libs/lib folder.

Level0 compilation and run

Go to the level0 folder and compile the code using the command:

make DecodeMC

This will produce as output the DecodeMC executable. You can run it by doing:

./DecodeMC -in MCinputFile.root

Before running, have a look at the global parameters defined in the global configuration file:

nano $FOOTCONFIG/FootGlobal.par

(exit with ctrl-x).

Input Files

You can find the available MC samples lsted and described here. They are stored in the Bologna-tier3 site under: /home/FOOT-T3/battistfoott3/SimulatedData.

The current version of SHOE supports V12.4 simulated samples.

Output Files

The SHOE-reconstuction code stores the information in an ntuple file and in ah histogram file:


The KalmanFilter tracking info are plotter in the results folder as .root and .png files.

The reconstruction of data events

Still a long way to go...

-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-07-06 -- Schiccio Frank - 2017-07-03

Developer instructions

Anyone who wants to develop its own part of the code and wants to add it back on a second time, should please follows the instrctions below:

  1. Contact the code managers.
  2. Download (git clone) of update (git pull) to the latest version of the code (master branch).
  3. Create your new branch (git checkout -b branchName).
  4. Work on your branch and commit regularly.
  5. When your task is done and you wants to merge back to the main (master) branch, contact the code managers (or make a merge request on baltig page).
You can find more information in the following slides done at the SHOE tutorial in Bologna on 7-8th March 2018: Reconsturction slides & Ntuple descrition slides
I recall you can find the exercises solution in in the git branch "xxx02", to be compared with the tutorial stable branch "tutorial01".



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FOOT_code_schema.png" attr="" comment="" date="1499098607" name="FOOT_code_schema.png" path="FOOT_code_schema.png" size="630444" user="SchiccioFrank" version="1"

Revision 92018-03-07 - SchiccioFrank


SHOE Reconstruction software (of the FOOT experiment)

Architecture of the SHOE-Reconstuction code

The part of SHOE dedicated to the event reconstracion is divided in 3 parts:

  1. Libraries of general interest, containing the main classes used by the reconstruction (and in part by the generation) code. The GenFit external libraries are also here.
  2. Level0 reconstruction code that is in charge of the interpretation of both MC and acquired data, digitization, alignment and clustering of the events and the track reconstruction.
  3. HighLevel reconstruction that is in charge of the fragment identification and of the cross section measurement.

A breaf scheme of SHOE-reco follows.

Tutorial slide

Running SHOE

Getting the code

The instructions on how to get the code can be found in the sotfware page.

Environment setup

Every time you enter in your machine, you have to setup the SHOE environment doing:

# starting from where you installed the software
cd shoe
source setupFOOT.sh

SHOE compilation and run

The software compilatin proceeds in 2 steps:

  1. GenFit compile
  2. SHOE libraries compilation;
  3. Level0 compilation;
GenFit compile

Go to the folder

cd $FOOTMAIN/libs/GenFit

and follow the instructions in the file README.build

SHOE libraries compilation

Go to the SHOE libraries folder


and compile


Then you can check out that the libraries are properly compiled and placed inside the libs/lib folder.

Level0 compilation and run

Go to the level0 folder and compile the code using the command:

make DecodeMC

This will produce as output the DecodeMC executable. You can run it by doing:

./DecodeMC -in MCinputFile.root

Before running, have a look at the global parameters defined in the global configuration file:

nano $FOOTCONFIG/FootGlobal.par

(exit with ctrl-x).

Input Files

You can find the available MC samples lsted and described here. They are stored in the Bologna-tier3 site under: /home/FOOT-T3/battistfoott3/SimulatedData.

The current version of SHOE supports V12.4 simulated samples.

Output Files

The SHOE-reconstuction code stores the information in an ntuple file and in ah histogram file:


The KalmanFilter tracking info are plotter in the results folder as .root and .png files.

The reconstruction of data events

Still a long way to go...

-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-07-06 -- Schiccio Frank - 2017-07-03

Developer instructions

Anyone who wants to develop its own part of the code and wants to add it back on a second time, should please follows the instrctions below:

  1. Contact the code managers.
  2. Download (git clone) of update (git pull) to the latest version of the code (master branch).
  3. Create your new branch (git checkout -b branchName).
  4. Work on your branch and commit regularly.
  5. When your task is done and you wants to merge back to the main (master) branch, contact the code managers (or make a merge request on baltig page).



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FOOT_code_schema.png" attr="" comment="" date="1499098607" name="FOOT_code_schema.png" path="FOOT_code_schema.png" size="630444" user="SchiccioFrank" version="1"

Revision 82017-07-05 - SchiccioFrank


SHOE Reconstruction software (of the FOOT experiment)

Architecture of the SHOE-Reconstuction code

The part of SHOE dedicated to the event reconstracion is divided in 3 parts:

  1. Libraries of general interest, containing the main classes used by the reconstruction (and in part by the generation) code. The GenFit external libraries are also here.
  2. Level0 reconstruction code that is in charge of the interpretation of both MC and acquired data, digitization, alignment and clustering of the events and the track reconstruction.
  3. HighLevel reconstruction that is in charge of the fragment identification and of the cross section measurement.

A breaf scheme of SHOE-reco follows.


Running SHOE

Getting the code

The instructions on how to get the code can be found in the sotfware page.

Environment setup

Every time you enter in your machine, you have to setup the SHOE environment doing:

# starting from where you installed the software
cd shoe
source setupFOOT.sh

SHOE compilation and run

The software compilatin proceeds in 2 steps:

  1. GenFit compile
  2. SHOE libraries compilation;
  3. Level0 compilation;
GenFit compile

Go to the folder

cd $FOOTMAIN/libs/GenFit/README.build
cd $FOOTMAIN/libs/GenFit
and follow the instructions in the file GenFit /README.build
and follow the instructions in the file README.build
SHOE libraries compilation

Go to the SHOE libraries folder


and compile


Then you can check out that the libraries are properly compiled and placed inside the libs/lib folder.

Level0 compilation and run

Go to the level0 folder and compile the code using the command:

make DecodeMC

This will produce as output the DecodeMC executable. You can run it by doing:

./DecodeMC -in MCinputFile.root

Before running, have a look at the global parameters defined in the global configuration file:

nano $FOOTCONFIG/FootGlobal.par

(exit with ctrl-x).

Input Files

You can find the available MC samples lsted and described here. They are stored in the Bologna-tier3 site under: /home/FOOT-T3/battistfoott3/SimulatedData.

The current version of SHOE supports V12.4 simulated samples.

Output Files

The SHOE-reconstuction code stores the information in an ntuple file and in ah histogram file:


The KalmanFilter tracking info are plotter in the results folder as .root and .png files.

The reconstruction of data events

Still a long way to go...

-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-07-06 -- Schiccio Frank - 2017-07-03

Developer instructions

Anyone who wants to develop its own part of the code and wants to add it back on a second time, should please follows the instrctions below:

  1. Contact the code managers.
  2. Download (git clone) of update (git pull) to the latest version of the code (master branch).
  3. Create your new branch (git checkout -b branchName).
  4. Work on your branch and commit regularly.
  5. When your task is done and you wants to merge back to the main (master) branch, contact the code managers (or make a merge request on baltig page).



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FOOT_code_schema.png" attr="" comment="" date="1499098607" name="FOOT_code_schema.png" path="FOOT_code_schema.png" size="630444" user="SchiccioFrank" version="1"

Revision 72017-07-04 - SchiccioFrank


SHOE Reconstruction software (of the FOOT experiment)

Architecture of the SHOE-Reconstuction code

The part of SHOE dedicated to the event reconstracion is divided in 3 parts:

  1. Libraries of general interest, containing the main classes used by the reconstruction (and in part by the generation) code. The GenFit external libraries are also here.
  2. Level0 reconstruction code that is in charge of the interpretation of both MC and acquired data, digitization, alignment and clustering of the events and the track reconstruction.
  3. HighLevel reconstruction that is in charge of the fragment identification and of the cross section measurement.

A breaf scheme of SHOE-reco follows.


Running SHOE

Getting the code

The instructions on how to get the code can be found in the sotfware page.

Environment setup

Every time you enter in your machine, you have to setup the SHOE environment doing:
# starting from where you installed the software
cd software
source setupFOOT.sh
Every time you enter in your machine, you have to setup the SHOE environment doing:
# starting from where you installed the software
cd shoe
source setupFOOT.sh

SHOE compilation and run

The software compilatin proceeds in 2 steps:

  1. GenFit compile
  2. SHOE libraries compilation;
  3. Level0 compilation;
GenFit compile

Go to the folder

cd $FOOTMAIN/libs/GenFit/README.build

cd $FOOTMAIN/libs/GenFit/README.build

and follow the instructions in the file GenFit/README.build
and follow the instructions in the file GenFit /README.build
SHOE libraries compilation
Go to the SHOE libraries folder
Go to the SHOE libraries folder
and compile
and compile
  Then you can check out that the libraries are properly compiled and placed inside the libs/lib folder.
Level0 compilation and run
Go to the level0 folder
Go to the level0 folder and compile the code using the command:
make DecodeMC
To compile the code using the command:
This will produce as output the DecodeMC executable. You can run it by doing:
./DecodeMC -in MCinputFile.root
make DecodeMC
This will produce as output the DecodeMC executable. You can run it by doing:
Before running, have a look at the global parameters defined in the global configuration file:
nano $FOOTCONFIG/FootGlobal.par
./DecodeMC -in MCinputFile.root
Before running, have a look at the global parameters defined in the global configuration file:
nano $FOOTCONFIG/FootGlobal.par
 (exit with ctrl-x).

Input Files

You can find the available MC samples lsted and described here. They are stored in the Bologna-tier3 site under: /home/FOOT-T3/battistfoott3/SimulatedData.

The current version of SHOE supports V12.4 simulated samples.

Output Files

The SHOE-reconstuction code stores the information in an ntuple file and in ah histogram file:
The SHOE-reconstuction code stores the information in an ntuple file and in ah histogram file:
  The KalmanFilter tracking info are plotter in the results folder as .root and .png files.

The reconstruction of data events

Still a long way to go...

-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-07-06 -- Schiccio Frank - 2017-07-03

Developer instructions

Anyone who wants to develop its own part of the code and wants to add it back on a second time, should please follows the instrctions below:

  1. Contact the code managers.
  2. Download (git clone) of update (git pull) to the latest version of the code (master branch).
  3. Create your new branch (git checkout -b branchName).
  4. Work on your branch and commit regularly.
  5. When your task is done and you wants to merge back to the main (master) branch, contact the code managers (or make a merge request on baltig page).



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FOOT_code_schema.png" attr="" comment="" date="1499098607" name="FOOT_code_schema.png" path="FOOT_code_schema.png" size="630444" user="SchiccioFrank" version="1"

Revision 62017-07-04 - SchiccioFrank


SHOE Reconstruction software (of the FOOT experiment)

Architecture of the SHOE-Reconstuction code

The part of SHOE dedicated to the event reconstracion is divided in 3 parts:

  1. Libraries of general interest, containing the main classes used by the reconstruction (and in part by the generation) code. The GenFit external libraries are also here.
  2. Level0 reconstruction code that is in charge of the interpretation of both MC and acquired data, digitization, alignment and clustering of the events and the track reconstruction.
  3. HighLevel reconstruction that is in charge of the fragment identification and of the cross section measurement.

A breaf scheme of SHOE-reco follows.



Running SHOE

Getting the code

The instructions on how to get the code can be found in the sotfware page.

Environment setup

Every time you enter in your machine, you have to setup the SHOE environment doing:
# starting from where you installed the software
cd software
source setupFOOT.sh
Every time you enter in your machine, you have to setup the SHOE environment doing:
# starting from where you installed the software
cd software
source setupFOOT.sh

SHOE compilation and run

The software compilatin proceeds in 2 steps:

  1. GenFit compile
  1. SHOE libraries compilation;
  2. Level0 compilation;
GenFit compile

Go to the folder

cd $FOOTMAIN/libs/GenFit/README.build

and follow the instructions in the file GenFit/README.build

SHOE libraries compilation
Go to the SHOE libraries folder
Go to the SHOE libraries folder
and compile
and compile
  Then you can check out that the libraries are properly compiled and placed inside the libs/lib folder.
Level0 compilation and run
Go to the level0 folder
Go to the level0 folder
To compile the code using the command:
make DecodeMC
To compile the code using the command:
make DecodeMC
This will produce as output the DecodeMC executable. You can run it by doing:
./DecodeMC -in MCinputFile.root
This will produce as output the DecodeMC executable. You can run it by doing:
./DecodeMC -in MCinputFile.root
Before running, have a look at the global parameters defined in the global configuration file:
nano $FOOTCONFIG/FootGlobal.par
Before running, have a look at the global parameters defined in the global configuration file:
nano $FOOTCONFIG/FootGlobal.par
  (exit with ctrl-x).

Input Files

You can find the available MC samples lsted and described here. They are stored in the Bologna-tier3 site under: /home/FOOT-T3/battistfoott3/SimulatedData.

The current version of SHOE supports V12.4 simulated samples.

Output Files

The SHOE-reconstuction code stores the information in an ntuple file and in ah histogram file:
The SHOE-reconstuction code stores the information in an ntuple file and in ah histogram file:
  The KalmanFilter tracking info are plotter in the results folder as .root and .png files.

The reconstruction of data events

Still a long way to go...

-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-07-06 -- Schiccio Frank - 2017-07-03


Developer instructions

Anyone who wants to develop its own part of the code and wants to add it back on a second time, should please follows the instrctions below:

  1. Contact the code managers.
  2. Download (git clone) of update (git pull) to the latest version of the code (master branch).
  3. Create your new branch (git checkout -b branchName).
  4. Work on your branch and commit regularly.
  5. When your task is done and you wants to merge back to the main (master) branch, contact the code managers (or make a merge request on baltig page).



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FOOT_code_schema.png" attr="" comment="" date="1499098607" name="FOOT_code_schema.png" path="FOOT_code_schema.png" size="630444" user="SchiccioFrank" version="1"

Revision 52017-07-03 - SchiccioFrank


Twiki page of the FOOT reconstruction software


SHOE Reconstruction software (of the FOOT experiment)


Getting the code


Architecture of the SHOE-Reconstuction code

The part of SHOE dedicated to the event reconstracion is divided in 3 parts:

  1. Libraries of general interest, containing the main classes used by the reconstruction (and in part by the generation) code. The GenFit external libraries are also here.
  2. Level0 reconstruction code that is in charge of the interpretation of both MC and acquired data, digitization, alignment and clustering of the events and the track reconstruction.
  3. HighLevel reconstruction that is in charge of the fragment identification and of the cross section measurement.

A breaf scheme of SHOE-reco follows.


Running SHOE

Getting the code

 The instructions on how to get the code can be found in the sotfware page.

Environment setup

Once the code has been downloaded the installation of the reconstruction software proceeds in two steps:
  1. Framework libraries compilation
  2. Reconstruction code compilation

Framework compilation

Every time you enter in your machine, you have to setup the SHOE environment doing:
# starting from where you installed the software
cd software
source setupFOOT.sh

SHOE compilation and run

The framewoek libraries are kept inside the libs folder
The software compilatin proceeds in 2 steps:
To setup the environment variables you have to source the myLogin.sh(csh) scripts.
source myLogin.sh
  1. SHOE libraries compilation;
  2. Level0 compilation;
SHOE libraries compilation
Then you can compile the code from the libs/src directory issuing the make command
Go to the SHOE libraries folder
Then you can check out that the libraries are properly compiled and placed inside the libs/lib folder.

The reconstruction of MC simulation events

and compile
The MC simulation events production is documented in the simulation page. Once the events have been produced and a root file is available using the decoding tool (as explained in the simulation page) you can run the reconstruction algorithms that are performing the analysis of the MC information.
Then you can check out that the libraries are properly compiled and placed inside the libs/lib folder.
Level0 compilation and run
The software is kept inside the Reconstruction folder.
Go to the level0 folder
In a similar way to what is done for the data events we have organized the reconstruction of simulation events in two steps: level0 and fullrec levels.

L0 reconstruction

To compile the code using the command:
make DecodeMC
The code is kept under the level0 folder.
This will produce as output the DecodeMC executable. You can run it by doing:
./DecodeMC -in MCinputFile.root
To compile the code, go in the level0 folder, be sure that the frameowrk libraries are avaialble
source myLogin.sh
Before running, have a look at the global parameters defined in the global configuration file:
nano $FOOTCONFIG/FootGlobal.par
and then compile the code using the command:
make DecodeMC
(exit with ctrl-x).

Input Files

This will produce as output the DecodeMC executable.
You can find the available MC samples lsted and described here. They are stored in the Bologna-tier3 site under: /home/FOOT-T3/battistfoott3/SimulatedData.
Some MC files have been produced and can be used to test the decoding. They can be accessed on the tier3 site under: /home/FOOT-T3/battistfoott3/SimulatedData.
The current version of SHOE supports V12.4 simulated samples.
The 4 files are:
  • 12C_C2H4_noMag_lowThres.root (no Mag Field, low energy cut for e+e-): 1.0e+6 primaries, 9657 events with inel. interaction in target
  • 12C_C2H4_noMag_highThres.root (no. Mag Field, high energy cut for e+e-): 1.8e+6 primaries, 17512 events with inel. interaction in target
  • 12C_C2H4_Mag_lowThres.root (with Mag. Field map, low energy cut for e+e-): 1.0e+06 primaries, 9394 events with inel. interaction in target
  • 12C_C2H4_Mag_highThres.root (with Mag. Field map, high energy cut for e+e-): 1.0e+06 primaries, 9480 events with inel. interaction in target
They were obtained shooting 12-C ions at 200 MeV/u against a C2H4 target, 2 mm thick, and the detector design shown at the meeting of Nov. 30 A "trigger" requiring at least one inelastic interaction in the target has been imposed.

Output Files

The SHOE-reconstuction code stores the information in an ntuple file and in ah histogram file:

The KalmanFilter tracking info are plotter in the results folder as .root and .png files.

The reconstruction of data events

Still a long way to go...
-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-07-06
-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-07-06 -- Schiccio Frank - 2017-07-03


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FOOT_code_schema.png" attr="" comment="" date="1499098607" name="FOOT_code_schema.png" path="FOOT_code_schema.png" size="630444" user="SchiccioFrank" version="1"

Revision 42017-01-17 - AlessioSarti


Twiki page of the FOOT reconstruction software

Getting the code

The instructions on how to get the code can be found in the sotfware page.

Once the code has been downloaded the installation of the reconstruction software proceeds in two steps:

  1. Framework libraries compilation
  2. Reconstruction code compilation

Framework compilation

The framewoek libraries are kept inside the libs folder

To setup the environment variables you have to source the myLogin.sh(csh) scripts.
To setup the environment variables you have to source the myLogin.sh(csh) scripts.
source myLogin.sh
Then you can compile the code from the libs/src directory issuing the make command
Then you can compile the code from the libs/src directory issuing the make command

Then you can check out that the libraries are properly compiled and placed inside the libs/lib folder.

The reconstruction of MC simulation events

The MC simulation events production is documented in the simulation page. Once the events have been produced and a root file is available using the decoding tool (as explained in the simulation page) you can run the reconstruction algorithms that are performing the analysis of the MC information.

The software is kept inside the Reconstruction folder.

In a similar way to what is done for the data events we have organized the reconstruction of simulation events in two steps: level0 and fullrec levels.

L0 reconstruction

The code is kept under the level0 folder.

To compile the code, go in the level0 folder, be sure that the frameowrk libraries are avaialble
To compile the code, go in the level0 folder, be sure that the frameowrk libraries are avaialble
source myLogin.sh

and then compile the code using the command:

make DecodeMC

This will produce as output the DecodeMC executable.

Some MC files have been produced and can be used to test the decoding. They can be accessed on the tier3 site under: /home/FOOT-T3/battistfoott3/SimulatedData.

The 4 files are:

  • 12C_C2H4_noMag_lowThres.root (no Mag Field, low energy cut for e+e-): 1.0e+6 primaries, 9657 events with inel. interaction in target
  • 12C_C2H4_noMag_highThres.root (no. Mag Field, high energy cut for e+e-): 1.8e+6 primaries, 17512 events with inel. interaction in target
  • 12C_C2H4_Mag_lowThres.root (with Mag. Field map, low energy cut for e+e-): 1.0e+06 primaries, 9394 events with inel. interaction in target
  • 12C_C2H4_Mag_highThres.root (with Mag. Field map, high energy cut for e+e-): 1.0e+06 primaries, 9480 events with inel. interaction in target
They were obtained shooting 12-C ions at 200 MeV/u against a C2H4 target, 2 mm thick, and the detector design shown at the meeting of Nov. 30 A "trigger" requiring at least one inelastic interaction in the target has been imposed.

The reconstruction of data events


-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-07-06



Revision 32016-10-21 - AlessioSarti


Twiki page of the FOOT reconstruction software



Getting the code

The instructions on how to get the code can be found in the sotfware page.

Once the code has been downloaded the installation of the reconstruction software proceeds in two steps:

  1. Framework libraries compilation
  2. Reconstruction code compilation

Framework compilation

The framewoek libraries are kept inside the libs folder

To setup the environment variables you have to source the myLogin.sh(csh) scripts.

source myLogin.sh

Then you can compile the code from the libs/src directory issuing the make command


Then you can check out that the libraries are properly compiled and placed inside the libs/lib folder.

The reconstruction of MC simulation events

The MC simulation events production is documented in the simulation page. Once the events have been produced and a root file is available using the decoding tool (as explained in the simulation page) you can run the reconstruction algorithms that are performing the analysis of the MC information.

The software is kept inside the Reconstruction folder.

In a similar way to what is done for the data events we have organized the reconstruction of simulation events in two steps: level0 and fullrec levels.

L0 reconstruction

The code is kept under the level0 folder.

To compile the code, go in the level0 folder, be sure that the frameowrk libraries are avaialble and then compile the code using the command:
To compile the code, go in the level0 folder, be sure that the frameowrk libraries are avaialble
source myLogin.sh

and then compile the code using the command:

make DecodeMC

This will produce as output the DecodeMC executable.

The reconstruction of data events


-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-07-06




Revision 22016-07-07 - AlessioSarti


Twiki page of the FOOT reconstruction software

Getting the code

The instructions on how to get the code can be found in the sotfware page.

Once the code has been downloaded the installation of the reconstruction software proceeds in two steps:

  1. Framework libraries compilation
  2. Reconstruction code compilation

Framework compilation

The framewoek libraries are kept inside the libs folder

To setup the environment variables you have to source the myLogin.sh(csh) scripts.

source myLogin.sh

Then you can compile the code from the libs/src directory issuing the make command


Then you can check out that the libraries are properly compiled and placed inside the libs/lib folder.


The reconstruction of MC simulation events

The MC simulation events production is documented in the simulation page. Once the events have been produced and a root file is available using the decoding tool (as explained in the simulation page) you can run the reconstruction algorithms that are performing the analysis of the MC information.

The software is kept inside the Reconstruction folder.

In a similar way to what is done for the data events we have organized the reconstruction of simulation events in two steps: level0 and fullrec levels.

L0 reconstruction

The code is kept under the level0 folder.

To compile the code, go in the level0 folder, be sure that the frameowrk libraries are avaialble and then compile the code using the command:

make DecodeMC

This will produce as output the DecodeMC executable.

The reconstruction of data events


  -- Alessio Sarti - 2016-07-06



Revision 12016-07-06 - AlessioSarti


Twiki page of the FOOT reconstruction software

Getting the code

The instructions on how to get the code can be found in the sotfware page.

Once the code has been downloaded the installation of the reconstruction software proceeds in two steps:

  1. Framework libraries compilation
  2. Reconstruction code compilation

Framework compilation

The framewoek libraries are kept inside the libs folder

To setup the environment variables you have to source the myLogin.sh(csh) scripts.

source myLogin.sh

Then you can compile the code from the libs/src directory issuing the make command


Then you can check out that the libraries are properly compiled and placed inside the libs/lib folder.

-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-07-06


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