Difference: SoftMONDO (1 vs. 3)

Revision 32015-12-01 - TWikiAdminUser

META TOPICPARENT name="MondoProject"

MONDO project software page

Simulation software

The simulation software is kept under svn and is accessible from the arpg server trough the command:

svn co svn+ssh://XXXUSER@arpg-serv.ing2.uniroma1.it/Users/Shared/SvnRepos/SoftMONDO/trunk/Simulation


Run the simulation

To compile and run the simulation software you need to have FLUKA installed.

Once you have FLUKA installed and you have set up properly the FLUKA environment variables, use the compile_mondo.sh script to compile the fluka executable.

source compile_mondo.sh

To run the simulation a few .inp are already available. A test script is provided: runtest.


This will create an output .dat file that can be used for further analysis after a toopling stage.

Toopling the dat files from FLUKA

To create a tuple from the dat file an executable is provided, based on the Evento class.

To compile it:

make -f Makefile_Txt2Root Txt2Root

To run it:

./Txt2Root -in PathToDatFile.dat -out PathToRootFile.root

You'll end up with a tuple that can be used as input for the analysis.


Analysis software

The software that is currently used for MC decoding and reconstruction is AnaFlukaMondo.

-- Alessio Sarti - 2015-09-15



Revision 22015-09-17 - MichelaMarafini

META TOPICPARENT name="MondoProject"

MONDO project software page

Simulation software

The simulation software is kept under svn and is accessible from the arpg server trough the command:

svn co svn+ssh://XXXUSER@arpg-serv.ing2.uniroma1.it/Users/Shared/SvnRepos/SoftMONDO/trunk/Simulation

Analysis software

The software that is currently used for MC decoding and reconstruction is AnaFlukaMondo.

-- Alessio Sarti - 2015-09-15



Revision 12015-09-15 - AlessioSarti

META TOPICPARENT name="MondoProject"

MONDO project software page

Simulation software

The simulation software is kept under svn and is accessible from the arpg server trough the command:

svn co svn+ssh://XXXUSER@arpg-serv.ing2.uniroma1.it/Users/Shared/SvnRepos/SoftMONDO/trunk/Simulation

Analysis software

The software that is currently used for MC decoding and reconstruction is AnaFlukaMondo.

-- Alessio Sarti - 2015-09-15


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