Tasks & Organization

In this page are collected the different software tasks with the people assigned to each one, the status and the deadlines forseen. Here you can see the task needing manpower and where you can contribute in software developement.

A breaf description of each task is also provided. To mantain it up-to-date is a duty of each contact person.

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Provide the software instruments for detector alingnment. Two types of alingnments are required:

  • Hardware alingnment: indipendent system (laser?) to measure the single detector positioning for each data tacking
  • Particle alingnment: tracking system alingment using the particle beam

Global tracking system & Kalman Filter

Genfit, Kalman fitter interface

Tracking System Digitization


Find the interaction vertex for each event.

Hit preselection.

Start Counter

Beam Monitor



Real Data Stream

Event Display

Output ntuple test

Analysis Code

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Topic revision: r2 - 2018-06-28 - SchiccioFrank
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