Difference: DPCNAOTBNov17 (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52018-07-06 - GiacomoTraini

META TOPICPARENT name="DoseProfiler"

Test beam of the DoseProfiler performed at CNAO in nov 2017


The TB data is kept on lisa.

The data from the first 'week end' (19-22 Nov) is under /NAS_arpg/TEST_BEAM/CNAONov2017

Useful documents

The data from the second 'week end' (26-28 Nov) is under /NAS_arpg/TEST_BEAM/CNAONov2017_bis

DDS test

The DDS test used 5 channels (4 lemo, 1 optic).


  1. Trig 0 (Voxel, stream 75 ns frequency)
  2. Trig 5, BeamOn, level
  3. Trig 2, EndVoxel, pulse
  4. lemo voxelslice, stream, 4 µs frequency
  5. optical voxelslice, stream, 4 µs frequency
The acquisitions have been made using either 1-3,4 or 1-3,5 signals in the 4 input channels of the scope.


The geometry of the experimental setup has been retrieved combining the logbook information and the data reconstruction. A sketch is shown in the following picture




The elog can be found here



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="logcnao.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1511997841" name="logcnao.pdf" path="logcnao.pdf" size="3911898" user="AlessioSarti" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="logbookCNAOnov2017bis.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1513598358" name="logbookCNAOnov2017bis.pdf" path="logbookCNAOnov2017bis.pdf" size="9337476" user="AlessioSarti" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Screen_Shot_2018-07-06_at_12.14.28.png" attr="" comment="" date="1530872151" name="Screen_Shot_2018-07-06_at_12.14.28.png" path="Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 12.14.28.png" size="230116" user="GiacomoTraini" version="1"
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