Difference: DoseProfiler (1 vs. 13)

Revision 132018-05-29 - GiacomoTraini


Dose Profiler page

To download the DAQ stuff.


Software for decoding and simulation.


Dose Profiler Test Beams


DAQ software

Here's a link to the DAQ software page

MC production

Inside the ProfilerCode folder (downloaded from svn) there's the Simulation folder in which the code is held, as well as the geometry and the inp files.

To create the geometry and the input files of the Profiler simulation, the needed files are: prof_geo.h prof_geo.cc Geometry.h Geometry.cpp GeometryLinkDef.h prof.inp makefile.

In prof_geo.h there are the geometrical parameters and materials. The profiler can be easily shifted or rotated by changing its position and orientation, which are defined in prof_geo.h (coordinates of the dose profiler "center" (coordinates of the beginning of the first fiber plane and view): PROF_X, PROF_Y, PROF_Z; azimuthal and polar angle: PROF_AZANG, PROF_POLANG)
The command


produces a prof_geo program. The command


updates the file prof.inp and produces the files prof.geo and prof.reg (which contains the numbers of the different regions).

To run the FLUKA simulation:

  • compile the routines and create the executable
source link_PROFILER.sh
  • run FLUKA linking the created executable
$FLUPRO/flutil/rfluka -e fluka_PROFILER.exe -N0 -M1 prof

NB. The views of fibers and of scintillators are numbered 0 (orientated along y) and 1 (orientated along x).
Fiber layers from 0 to 5, fiber adresses range from 0 to 383.
Scintillator layers from 0 to 1 and scintillator bars range from 0 to 15.

MC versions under svn:

- prof_noframe.geo prof_noframe.inp -> with tedlar window, no tedlar window frame

- prof_tilt.geo prof_tilt.inp -> with tedlar window slightly shifted, tedlar window frame (PVC) added; profiler tilted by an azymuthal angle of 20degrees around the y axis.

N.B.: prof.inp and prof.geo under svn are the last standard versions of the new profiler geometry (no tilt).

MC decoding

Digesting fluka output

Txt2root can be used to tuple the info from the MC simulation.

Fluka creates some output like: ProfilerNewCone001 _TXT.dat that contains the info from the scoring.

The Txt2Root executable can be built from the Simulation/TXT2ROOT folder.

Running the analizer

Once the tuple is available, the profiler code can be used to analyze it.

The code is now held under DoseProfiler project and can be compiled issuing the command

make Profiler

In order to compile the libraries, the <a href="http://arpg-serv.ing2.uniroma1.it/twiki/bin/edit/Main/GenFit?topicparent=Main.FOOTSoftware;nowysiwyg=0" rel="nofollow" title="GenFit (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)"> GenFit </a> external package has to be downloaded and installed.

To get the code and install it, follow the instructions in here. The code is available from GitHub and can be downloaded through

git clone https://github.com/GenFit/GenFit.git

to run the code one has to issue the following command.

Decoding Instructions

Inside the ProfilerCode directory:

check the correct path inside setuplibs.sh/csh

source setuplibs.sh/csh

- To decode the experimental data:

make Profiler

./Profiler -in infile.dat -out outfile.root

N.B: the .dat input file is the output file from the DAQ

- To decode the simulated data:

make Profiler

./Profiler -in infile.root -out outfile.root -isMC

N.B: the .root input file is the output file from the Txt2Root that has been run over the FLUKA .dat file

(type ./Profiler -print for more instructions)

- Analyze the decoded data

Once the outfile.root (exp or sim) is available, the AnaProfi.cpp code can be used to further analyze the decoded data:

make -f makefile_AnaProfi AnaProfi

./AnaProfi -in outfile.root -out Ana_outfile.root

MonitorTemperature (TSting tempfile) [inside AnaProfiLib.C] is used to monitor the Temperature in time filling an Histogram. With the flag "-tempFile" you can choose the file.txt with temperature information.

MonitorTrigger () [inside AnaProfiLib.C] is used to monitor if the trigger is working well. With the flag "-configFile" you can choose the file.txt with trigger information

Position during the BeamTest (Trento)




META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="position.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494252253" name="position.pdf" path="position.pdf" size="74722" user="MicolDeSimoni" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PositionTrento2017.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494252798" name="PositionTrento2017.pdf" path="PositionTrento2017.pdf" size="75338" user="MicolDeSimoni" version="1"

Revision 122017-07-17 - AlessioSarti


Dose Profiler page

To download the DAQ stuff.


Software for decoding and simulation.



Dose Profiler Test Beams


DAQ software

Here's a link to the DAQ software page

MC production

Inside the ProfilerCode folder (downloaded from svn) there's the Simulation folder in which the code is held, as well as the geometry and the inp files.

To create the geometry and the input files of the Profiler simulation, the needed files are: prof_geo.h prof_geo.cc Geometry.h Geometry.cpp GeometryLinkDef.h prof.inp makefile.

In prof_geo.h there are the geometrical parameters and materials. The profiler can be easily shifted or rotated by changing its position and orientation, which are defined in prof_geo.h (coordinates of the dose profiler "center" (coordinates of the beginning of the first fiber plane and view): PROF_X, PROF_Y, PROF_Z; azimuthal and polar angle: PROF_AZANG, PROF_POLANG)
The command
In prof_geo.h there are the geometrical parameters and materials. The profiler can be easily shifted or rotated by changing its position and orientation, which are defined in prof_geo.h (coordinates of the dose profiler "center" (coordinates of the beginning of the first fiber plane and view): PROF_X, PROF_Y, PROF_Z; azimuthal and polar angle: PROF_AZANG, PROF_POLANG)
The command
produces a prof_geo program. The command
produces a prof_geo program. The command

updates the file prof.inp and produces the files prof.geo and prof.reg (which contains the numbers of the different regions).

To run the FLUKA simulation:

  • compile the routines and create the executable
source link_PROFILER.sh
  • run FLUKA linking the created executable
$FLUPRO/flutil/rfluka -e fluka_PROFILER.exe -N0 -M1 prof

NB. The views of fibers and of scintillators are numbered 0 (orientated along y) and 1 (orientated along x).
Fiber layers from 0 to 5, fiber adresses range from 0 to 383.
Scintillator layers from 0 to 1 and scintillator bars range from 0 to 15.

MC versions under svn:

- prof_noframe.geo prof_noframe.inp -> with tedlar window, no tedlar window frame

- prof_tilt.geo prof_tilt.inp -> with tedlar window slightly shifted, tedlar window frame (PVC) added; profiler tilted by an azymuthal angle of 20degrees around the y axis.

N.B.: prof.inp and prof.geo under svn are the last standard versions of the new profiler geometry (no tilt).

MC decoding

Digesting fluka output

Txt2root can be used to tuple the info from the MC simulation.

Fluka creates some output like: ProfilerNewCone001 _TXT.dat that contains the info from the scoring.

The Txt2Root executable can be built from the Simulation/TXT2ROOT folder.

Running the analizer

Once the tuple is available, the profiler code can be used to analyze it.

The code is now held under DoseProfiler project and can be compiled issuing the command

make Profiler

In order to compile the libraries, the <a href="http://arpg-serv.ing2.uniroma1.it/twiki/bin/edit/Main/GenFit?topicparent=Main.FOOTSoftware;nowysiwyg=0" rel="nofollow" title="GenFit (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)"> GenFit </a> external package has to be downloaded and installed.

To get the code and install it, follow the instructions in here. The code is available from GitHub and can be downloaded through
To get the code and install it, follow the instructions in here. The code is available from GitHub and can be downloaded through
git clone https://github.com/GenFit/GenFit.git

to run the code one has to issue the following command.

-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-12-02

Decoding Instructions

Inside the ProfilerCode directory:

check the correct path inside setuplibs.sh/csh

source setuplibs.sh/csh

- To decode the experimental data:

make Profiler

./Profiler -in infile.dat -out outfile.root

N.B: the .dat input file is the output file from the DAQ

- To decode the simulated data:

make Profiler

./Profiler -in infile.root -out outfile.root -isMC

N.B: the .root input file is the output file from the Txt2Root that has been run over the FLUKA .dat file

(type ./Profiler -print for more instructions)

- Analyze the decoded data

Once the outfile.root (exp or sim) is available, the AnaProfi.cpp code can be used to further analyze the decoded data:

make -f makefile_AnaProfi AnaProfi

./AnaProfi -in outfile.root -out Ana_outfile.root

MonitorTemperature (TSting tempfile) [inside AnaProfiLib.C] is used to monitor the Temperature in time filling an Histogram. With the flag "-tempFile" you can choose the file.txt with temperature information.

MonitorTrigger () [inside AnaProfiLib.C] is used to monitor if the trigger is working well. With the flag "-configFile" you can choose the file.txt with trigger information


Position during the BeamTest (Trento)




META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="position.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494252253" name="position.pdf" path="position.pdf" size="74722" user="MicolDeSimoni" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PositionTrento2017.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494252798" name="PositionTrento2017.pdf" path="PositionTrento2017.pdf" size="75338" user="MicolDeSimoni" version="1"

Revision 112017-05-08 - MicolDeSimoni


Dose Profiler page

To download the DAQ stuff.


Software for decoding and simulation.


DAQ software

Here's a link to the DAQ software page

MC production

Inside the ProfilerCode folder (downloaded from svn) there's the Simulation folder in which the code is held, as well as the geometry and the inp files.

To create the geometry and the input files of the Profiler simulation, the needed files are: prof_geo.h prof_geo.cc Geometry.h Geometry.cpp GeometryLinkDef.h prof.inp makefile.

In prof_geo.h there are the geometrical parameters and materials. The profiler can be easily shifted or rotated by changing its position and orientation, which are defined in prof_geo.h (coordinates of the dose profiler "center" (coordinates of the beginning of the first fiber plane and view): PROF_X, PROF_Y, PROF_Z; azimuthal and polar angle: PROF_AZANG, PROF_POLANG)
The command
In prof_geo.h there are the geometrical parameters and materials. The profiler can be easily shifted or rotated by changing its position and orientation, which are defined in prof_geo.h (coordinates of the dose profiler "center" (coordinates of the beginning of the first fiber plane and view): PROF_X, PROF_Y, PROF_Z; azimuthal and polar angle: PROF_AZANG, PROF_POLANG)
The command
produces a prof_geo program. The command
produces a prof_geo program. The command
updates the file prof.inp and produces the files prof.geo and prof.reg (which contains the numbers of the different regions).
updates the file prof.inp and produces the files prof.geo and prof.reg (which contains the numbers of the different regions).
  To run the FLUKA simulation:
  • compile the routines and create the executable
source link_PROFILER.sh
  • run FLUKA linking the created executable
$FLUPRO/flutil/rfluka -e fluka_PROFILER.exe -N0 -M1 prof
NB. The views of fibers and of scintillators are numbered 0 (orientated along y) and 1 (orientated along x).
Fiber layers from 0 to 5, fiber adresses range from 0 to 383.
Scintillator layers from 0 to 1 and scintillator bars range from 0 to 15.
NB. The views of fibers and of scintillators are numbered 0 (orientated along y) and 1 (orientated along x).
Fiber layers from 0 to 5, fiber adresses range from 0 to 383.
Scintillator layers from 0 to 1 and scintillator bars range from 0 to 15.

MC versions under svn:

- prof_noframe.geo prof_noframe.inp -> with tedlar window, no tedlar window frame

- prof_tilt.geo prof_tilt.inp -> with tedlar window slightly shifted, tedlar window frame (PVC) added; profiler tilted by an azymuthal angle of 20degrees around the y axis.

N.B.: prof.inp and prof.geo under svn are the last standard versions of the new profiler geometry (no tilt).

MC decoding

Digesting fluka output

Txt2root can be used to tuple the info from the MC simulation.

Fluka creates some output like: ProfilerNewCone001 _TXT.dat that contains the info from the scoring.

The Txt2Root executable can be built from the Simulation/TXT2ROOT folder.

Running the analizer

Once the tuple is available, the profiler code can be used to analyze it.

The code is now held under DoseProfiler project and can be compiled issuing the command

make Profiler

In order to compile the libraries, the <a href="http://arpg-serv.ing2.uniroma1.it/twiki/bin/edit/Main/GenFit?topicparent=Main.FOOTSoftware;nowysiwyg=0" rel="nofollow" title="GenFit (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)"> GenFit </a> external package has to be downloaded and installed.

To get the code and install it, follow the instructions in here. The code is available from GitHub and can be downloaded through
To get the code and install it, follow the instructions in here. The code is available from GitHub and can be downloaded through
git clone https://github.com/GenFit/GenFit.git

to run the code one has to issue the following command.

-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-12-02

Decoding Instructions

Inside the ProfilerCode directory:

check the correct path inside setuplibs.sh/csh

source setuplibs.sh/csh

- To decode the experimental data:

make Profiler

./Profiler -in infile.dat -out outfile.root

N.B: the .dat input file is the output file from the DAQ

- To decode the simulated data:

make Profiler

./Profiler -in infile.root -out outfile.root -isMC

N.B: the .root input file is the output file from the Txt2Root that has been run over the FLUKA .dat file

(type ./Profiler -print for more instructions)

- Analyze the decoded data

Once the outfile.root (exp or sim) is available, the AnaProfi.cpp code can be used to further analyze the decoded data:

make -f makefile_AnaProfi AnaProfi

./AnaProfi -in outfile.root -out Ana_outfile.root

MonitorTemperature (TSting tempfile) [inside AnaProfiLib.C] is used to monitor the Temperature in time filling an Histogram. With the flag "-tempFile" you can choose the file.txt with temperature information.

MonitorTrigger () [inside AnaProfiLib.C] is used to monitor if the trigger is working well. With the flag "-configFile" you can choose the file.txt with trigger information




Position during the BeamTest (Trento)



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="position.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494252253" name="position.pdf" path="position.pdf" size="74722" user="MicolDeSimoni" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="PositionTrento2017.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494252798" name="PositionTrento2017.pdf" path="PositionTrento2017.pdf" size="75338" user="MicolDeSimoni" version="1"

Revision 102017-03-24 - SerenaMartaValle


Dose Profiler page

To download the DAQ stuff.


Software for decoding and simulation.


DAQ software

Here's a link to the DAQ software page

MC production

Inside the ProfilerCode folder (downloaded from svn) there's the Simulation folder in which the code is held, as well as the geometry and the inp files.

To create the geometry and the input files of the Profiler simulation, the needed files are: prof_geo.h prof_geo.cc Geometry.h Geometry.cpp GeometryLinkDef.h prof.inp makefile.

In prof_geo.h there are the geometrical parameters and materials. The profiler can be easily shifted or rotated by changing its position and orientation, which are defined in prof_geo.h (coordinates of the dose profiler "center" (coordinates of the beginning of the first fiber plane and view): PROF_X, PROF_Y, PROF_Z; azimuthal and polar angle: PROF_AZANG, PROF_POLANG)
The command


produces a prof_geo program. The command

produces the files prof.geo, prof.inp, and prof.reg (which contains the numbers of the different regions).
updates the file prof.inp and produces the files prof.geo and prof.reg (which contains the numbers of the different regions).
  To run the FLUKA simulation:
  • compile the routines and create the executable
source link_PROFILER.sh
  • run FLUKA linking the created executable
$FLUPRO/flutil/rfluka -e fluka_PROFILER.exe -N0 -M1 prof

NB. The views of fibers and of scintillators are numbered 0 (orientated along y) and 1 (orientated along x).
Fiber layers from 0 to 5, fiber adresses range from 0 to 383.
Scintillator layers from 0 to 1 and scintillator bars range from 0 to 15.

MC versions under svn:

- prof_noframe.geo prof_noframe.inp -> with tedlar window, no tedlar window frame

- prof_tilt.geo prof_tilt.inp -> with tedlar window slightly shifted, tedlar window frame (PVC) added; profiler tilted by an azymuthal angle of 20degrees around the y axis.

N.B.: prof.inp and prof.geo under svn are the last standard versions of the new profiler geometry (no tilt).

MC decoding

Digesting fluka output

Txt2root can be used to tuple the info from the MC simulation.

Fluka creates some output like: ProfilerNewCone001 _TXT.dat that contains the info from the scoring.

The Txt2Root executable can be built from the Simulation/TXT2ROOT folder.

Running the analizer

Once the tuple is available, the profiler code can be used to analyze it.

The code is now held under DoseProfiler project and can be compiled issuing the command

make Profiler

In order to compile the libraries, the <a href="http://arpg-serv.ing2.uniroma1.it/twiki/bin/edit/Main/GenFit?topicparent=Main.FOOTSoftware;nowysiwyg=0" rel="nofollow" title="GenFit (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)"> GenFit </a> external package has to be downloaded and installed.

To get the code and install it, follow the instructions in here. The code is available from GitHub and can be downloaded through

git clone https://github.com/GenFit/GenFit.git

to run the code one has to issue the following command.

-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-12-02

Decoding Instructions

Inside the ProfilerCode directory:

check the correct path inside setuplibs.sh/csh

source setuplibs.sh/csh

- To decode the experimental data:

make Profiler

./Profiler -in infile.dat -out outfile.root

N.B: the .dat input file is the output file from the DAQ

- To decode the simulated data:

make Profiler

./Profiler -in infile.root -out outfile.root -isMC

N.B: the .root input file is the output file from the Txt2Root that has been run over the FLUKA .dat file

(type ./Profiler -print for more instructions)

- Analyze the decoded data

Once the outfile.root (exp or sim) is available, the AnaProfi.cpp code can be used to further analyze the decoded data:

make -f makefile_AnaProfi AnaProfi

./AnaProfi -in outfile.root -out Ana_outfile.root

MonitorTemperature (TSting tempfile) [inside AnaProfiLib.C] is used to monitor the Temperature in time filling an Histogram. With the flag "-tempFile" you can choose the file.txt with temperature information.

MonitorTrigger () [inside AnaProfiLib.C] is used to monitor if the trigger is working well. With the flag "-configFile" you can choose the file.txt with trigger information



Revision 92017-03-24 - IlariaMattei


Dose Profiler page

To download the DAQ stuff.


Software for decoding and simulation.


DAQ software

Here's a link to the DAQ software page

MC production

Inside the ProfilerCode folder (downloaded from svn) there's the Simulation folder in which the code is held, as well as the geometry and the inp files.

To create the geometry and the input files of the Profiler simulation, the needed files are: prof_geo.h prof_geo.cc Geometry.h Geometry.cpp GeometryLinkDef.h prof.inp makefile.

In prof_geo.h there are the geometrical parameters and materials. The profiler can be easily shifted or rotated by changing its position and orientation, which are defined in prof_geo.h (coordinates of the dose profiler "center" (coordinates of the beginning of the first fiber plane and view): PROF_X, PROF_Y, PROF_Z; azimuthal and polar angle: PROF_AZANG, PROF_POLANG)
The command


produces a prof_geo program. The command


produces the files prof.geo, prof.inp, and prof.reg (which contains the numbers of the different regions).

To run the FLUKA simulation:

  • compile the routines and create the executable
source link_PROFILER.sh
  • run FLUKA linking the created executable
$FLUPRO/flutil/rfluka -e fluka_PROFILER.exe -N0 -M1 prof

NB. The views of fibers and of scintillators are numbered 0 (orientated along y) and 1 (orientated along x).
Fiber layers from 0 to 5, fiber adresses range from 0 to 383.
Scintillator layers from 0 to 1 and scintillator bars range from 0 to 15.


MC versions under svn:

- prof_noframe.geo prof_noframe.inp -> with tedlar window, no tedlar window frame

- prof_tilt.geo prof_tilt.inp -> with tedlar window slightly shifted, tedlar window frame (PVC) added; profiler tilted by an azymuthal angle of 20degrees around the y axis.

N.B.: prof.inp and prof.geo under svn are the last standard versions of the new profiler geometry (no tilt).


MC decoding

Digesting fluka output

Txt2root can be used to tuple the info from the MC simulation.

Fluka creates some output like: ProfilerNewCone001 _TXT.dat that contains the info from the scoring.

The Txt2Root executable can be built from the Simulation/TXT2ROOT folder.

Running the analizer

Once the tuple is available, the profiler code can be used to analyze it.

The code is now held under DoseProfiler project and can be compiled issuing the command

make Profiler

In order to compile the libraries, the <a href="http://arpg-serv.ing2.uniroma1.it/twiki/bin/edit/Main/GenFit?topicparent=Main.FOOTSoftware;nowysiwyg=0" rel="nofollow" title="GenFit (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)"> GenFit </a> external package has to be downloaded and installed.

To get the code and install it, follow the instructions in here. The code is available from GitHub and can be downloaded through

git clone https://github.com/GenFit/GenFit.git

to run the code one has to issue the following command.

-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-12-02

Decoding Instructions

Inside the ProfilerCode directory:

check the correct path inside setuplibs.sh/csh

source setuplibs.sh/csh

- To decode the experimental data:

make Profiler

./Profiler -in infile.dat -out outfile.root

N.B: the .dat input file is the output file from the DAQ

- To decode the simulated data:

make Profiler

./Profiler -in infile.root -out outfile.root -isMC

N.B: the .root input file is the output file from the Txt2Root that has been run over the FLUKA .dat file

(type ./Profiler -print for more instructions)

- Analyze the decoded data

Once the outfile.root (exp or sim) is available, the AnaProfi.cpp code can be used to further analyze the decoded data:

make -f makefile_AnaProfi AnaProfi

./AnaProfi -in outfile.root -out Ana_outfile.root

MonitorTemperature (TSting tempfile) [inside AnaProfiLib.C] is used to monitor the Temperature in time filling an Histogram. With the flag "-tempFile" you can choose the file.txt with temperature information.

MonitorTrigger () [inside AnaProfiLib.C] is used to monitor if the trigger is working well. With the flag "-configFile" you can choose the file.txt with trigger information.
MonitorTrigger () [inside AnaProfiLib.C] is used to monitor if the trigger is working well. With the flag "-configFile" you can choose the file.txt with trigger information



Revision 82017-03-17 - SerenaMartaValle


Dose Profiler page

To download the DAQ stuff.


Software for decoding and simulation.


DAQ software

Here's a link to the DAQ software page

MC production

Inside the ProfilerCode folder (downloaded from svn) there's the Simulation folder in which the code is held, as well as the geometry and the inp files.

To create the geometry and the input files of the Profiler simulation, the needed files are: prof_geo.h prof_geo.cc Geometry.h Geometry.cpp GeometryLinkDef.h prof.inp makefile.

In prof_geo.h there are the geometrical parameters and materials. The profiler can be easily shifted or rotated by changing its position and orientation, which are defined in prof_geo.h (coordinates of the dose profiler "center" (coordinates of the beginning of the first fiber plane and view): PROF_X, PROF_Y, PROF_Z; azimuthal and polar angle: PROF_AZANG, PROF_POLANG)
The command


produces a prof_geo program. The command


produces the files prof.geo, prof.inp, and prof.reg (which contains the numbers of the different regions).

To run the FLUKA simulation:

  • compile the routines and create the executable
source link_PROFILER.sh
  • run FLUKA linking the created executable
$FLUPRO/flutil/rfluka -e fluka_PROFILER.exe -N0 -M1 prof

NB. The views of fibers and of scintillators are numbered 0 (orientated along y) and 1 (orientated along x).
Fiber layers from 0 to 5, fiber adresses range from 0 to 383.
Scintillator layers from 0 to 1 and scintillator bars range from 0 to 15.


MC decoding

Digesting fluka output

Txt2root can be used to tuple the info from the MC simulation.

Fluka creates some output like: ProfilerNewCone001 _TXT.dat that contains the info from the scoring.

The Txt2Root executable can be built from the Simulation/TXT2ROOT folder.

Running the analizer

Once the tuple is available, the profiler code can be used to analyze it.

The code is now held under DoseProfiler project and can be compiled issuing the command

make Profiler

In order to compile the libraries, the <a href="http://arpg-serv.ing2.uniroma1.it/twiki/bin/edit/Main/GenFit?topicparent=Main.FOOTSoftware;nowysiwyg=0" rel="nofollow" title="GenFit (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)"> GenFit </a> external package has to be downloaded and installed.

To get the code and install it, follow the instructions in here. The code is available from GitHub and can be downloaded through

git clone https://github.com/GenFit/GenFit.git

to run the code one has to issue the following command.

-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-12-02

Decoding Instructions

Inside the ProfilerCode directory:

check the correct path inside setuplibs.sh/csh

source setuplibs.sh/csh

- To decode the experimental data:

make Profiler

./Profiler -in infile.dat -out outfile.root

N.B: the .dat input file is the output file from the DAQ

- To decode the simulated data:

make Profiler

./Profiler -in infile.root -out outfile.root -isMC

N.B: the .root input file is the output file from the Txt2Root that has been run over the FLUKA .dat file

(type ./Profiler -print for more instructions)

- Analyze the decoded data

Once the outfile.root (exp or sim) is available, the AnaProfi.cpp code can be used to further analyze the decoded data:

make -f makefile_AnaProfi AnaProfi

./AnaProfi -in outfile.root -out Ana_outfile.root

MonitorTemperature (TSting tempfile) [inside AnaProfiLib.C] is used to monitor the Temperature in time filling an Histogram. With the flag "-tempFile" you can choose the file.txt with temperature information.

MonitorTrigger () [inside AnaProfiLib.C] is used to monitor if the trigger is working well. With the flag "-configFile" you can choose the file.txt with trigger information.
MonitorTrigger () [inside AnaProfiLib.C] is used to monitor if the trigger is working well. With the flag "-configFile" you can choose the file.txt with trigger information.



Revision 72017-03-06 - MicolDeSimoni


Dose Profiler page

To download the DAQ stuff.


Software for decoding and simulation.


DAQ software

Here's a link to the DAQ software page

MC production

Inside the ProfilerCode folder (downloaded from svn) there's the Simulation folder in which the code is held, as well as the geometry and the inp files.

MC decoding

Digesting fluka output

Txt2root can be used to tuple the info from the MC simulation.

Fluka creates some output like: ProfilerNewCone001 _TXT.dat that contains the info from the scoring.

The Txt2Root executable can be built from the Simulation/TXT2ROOT folder.

Running the analizer

Once the tuple is available, the profiler code can be used to analyze it.

The code is now held under DoseProfiler project and can be compiled issuing the command

make Profiler

In order to compile the libraries, the <a href="http://arpg-serv.ing2.uniroma1.it/twiki/bin/edit/Main/GenFit?topicparent=Main.FOOTSoftware;nowysiwyg=0" rel="nofollow" title="GenFit (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)"> GenFit </a> external package has to be downloaded and installed.

To get the code and install it, follow the instructions in here. The code is available from GitHub and can be downloaded through
To get the code and install it, follow the instructions in here. The code is available from GitHub and can be downloaded through
git clone https://github.com/GenFit/GenFit.git

to run the code one has to issue the following command.

-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-12-02

Decoding Instructions

Inside the ProfilerCode directory:

check the correct path inside setuplibs.sh/csh

source setuplibs.sh/csh

- To decode the experimental data:

make Profiler

./Profiler -in infile.dat -out outfile.root

N.B: the .dat input file is the output file from the DAQ

- To decode the simulated data:

make Profiler

./Profiler -in infile.root -out outfile.root -isMC

N.B: the .root input file is the output file from the Txt2Root that has been run over the FLUKA .dat file

(type ./Profiler -print for more instructions)

- Analyze the decoded data

Once the outfile.root (exp or sim) is available, the AnaProfi.cpp code can be used to further analyze the decoded data:

make -f makefile_AnaProfi AnaProfi

./AnaProfi -in outfile.root -out Ana_outfile.root

MonitorTemperature(TSting tempfile) [inside AnaProfiLib.C] is used to monitor the Temperature in time filling an Histogram. With the flag "-tempFile" you can choose the file.txt with temperature information.
MonitorTemperature (TSting tempfile) [inside AnaProfiLib.C] is used to monitor the Temperature in time filling an Histogram. With the flag "-tempFile" you can choose the file.txt with temperature information.
MonitorTrigger(TString configfile) [inside AnaProfiLib.C] is used to monitor if the trigger is working well. With the flag "-configFile" you can choose the file.txt with trigger information.
MonitorTrigger () [inside AnaProfiLib.C] is used to monitor if the trigger is working well. With the flag "-configFile" you can choose the file.txt with trigger information.



Revision 62017-03-03 - MicolDeSimoni


Dose Profiler page

To download the DAQ stuff.


Software for decoding and simulation.


DAQ software

Here's a link to the DAQ software page

MC production

Inside the ProfilerCode folder (downloaded from svn) there's the Simulation folder in which the code is held, as well as the geometry and the inp files.

MC decoding

Digesting fluka output

Txt2root can be used to tuple the info from the MC simulation.

Fluka creates some output like: ProfilerNewCone001 _TXT.dat that contains the info from the scoring.

The Txt2Root executable can be built from the Simulation/TXT2ROOT folder.

Running the analizer

Once the tuple is available, the profiler code can be used to analyze it.

The code is now held under DoseProfiler project and can be compiled issuing the command

make Profiler

In order to compile the libraries, the GenFit external package has to be downloaded and installed.
In order to compile the libraries, the <a href="http://arpg-serv.ing2.uniroma1.it/twiki/bin/edit/Main/GenFit?topicparent=Main.FOOTSoftware;nowysiwyg=0" rel="nofollow" title="GenFit (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)"> GenFit </a> external package has to be downloaded and installed.
To get the code and install it, follow the instructions in here. The code is available from GitHub and can be downloaded through
To get the code and install it, follow the instructions in here. The code is available from GitHub and can be downloaded through
git clone https://github.com/GenFit/GenFit.git

to run the code one has to issue the following command.

-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-12-02

Decoding Instructions

Inside the ProfilerCode directory:

check the correct path inside setuplibs.sh/csh

source setuplibs.sh/csh

- To decode the experimental data:
- To decode the experimental data:
  make Profiler

./Profiler -in infile.dat -out outfile.root

N.B: the .dat input file is the output file from the DAQ

- To decode the simulated data:
- To decode the simulated data:
  make Profiler

./Profiler -in infile.root -out outfile.root -isMC

N.B: the .root input file is the output file from the Txt2Root that has been run over the FLUKA .dat file

(type ./Profiler -print for more instructions)

- Analyze the decoded data
- Analyze the decoded data
  Once the outfile.root (exp or sim) is available, the AnaProfi.cpp code can be used to further analyze the decoded data:

make -f makefile_AnaProfi AnaProfi

./AnaProfi -in outfile.root -out Ana_outfile.root

MonitorTemperature(TSting tempfile) [inside AnaProfiLib.C] is used to monitor the Temperature in time filling an Histogram. With the flag "-tempFile" you can choose the file.txt with temperature information.

MonitorTrigger(TString configfile) [inside AnaProfiLib.C] is used to monitor if the trigger is working well. With the flag "-configFile" you can choose the file.txt with trigger information.




Revision 52017-03-02 - IlariaMattei


Dose Profiler page

To download the DAQ stuff.


Software for decoding and simulation.


DAQ software

Here's a link to the DAQ software page

MC production

Inside the ProfilerCode folder (downloaded from svn) there's the Simulation folder in which the code is held, as well as the geometry and the inp files.

MC decoding

Digesting fluka output

Txt2root can be used to tuple the info from the MC simulation.

Fluka creates some output like: ProfilerNewCone001 _TXT.dat that contains the info from the scoring.

The Txt2Root executable can be built from the Simulation/TXT2ROOT folder.

Running the analizer

Once the tuple is available, the profiler code can be used to analyze it.

The code is now held under DoseProfiler project and can be compiled issuing the command

make Profiler

In order to compile the libraries, the GenFit external package has to be downloaded and installed.

To get the code and install it, follow the instructions in here. The code is available from GitHub and can be downloaded through

git clone https://github.com/GenFit/GenFit.git

to run the code one has to issue the following command.

-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-12-02


Decoding Instructions

Inside the ProfilerCode directory:

check the correct path inside setuplibs.sh/csh

source setuplibs.sh/csh

- To decode the experimental data:

make Profiler

./Profiler -in infile.dat -out outfile.root

N.B: the .dat input file is the output file from the DAQ

- To decode the simulated data:

make Profiler

./Profiler -in infile.root -out outfile.root -isMC

N.B: the .root input file is the output file from the Txt2Root that has been run over the FLUKA .dat file

(type ./Profiler -print for more instructions)

- Analyze the decoded data

Once the outfile.root (exp or sim) is available, the AnaProfi.cpp code can be used to further analyze the decoded data:

make -f makefile_AnaProfi AnaProfi

./AnaProfi -in outfile.root -out Ana_outfile.root




Revision 42017-02-08 - AlessioSarti


Dose Profiler page

To download the DAQ stuff.


Software for decoding and simulation.



DAQ software

Here's a link to the DAQ software page


MC production

Inside the ProfilerCode folder (downloaded from svn) there's the Simulation folder in which the code is held, as well as the geometry and the inp files.

MC decoding

Digesting fluka output

Txt2root can be used to tuple the info from the MC simulation.

Fluka creates some output like: ProfilerNewCone001 _TXT.dat that contains the info from the scoring.

The Txt2Root executable can be built from the Simulation/TXT2ROOT folder.

Running the analizer

Once the tuple is available, the profiler code can be used to analyze it.

The code is now held under DoseProfiler project and can be compiled issuing the command

make Profiler

In order to compile the libraries, the GenFit external package has to be downloaded and installed.

To get the code and install it, follow the instructions in here. The code is available from GitHub and can be downloaded through

git clone https://github.com/GenFit/GenFit.git

to run the code one has to issue the following command.

-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-12-02



Revision 32017-01-14 - AlessioSarti


Dose Profiler page

To download the DAQ stuff.


Software for decoding and simulation.


MC production

Inside the ProfilerCode folder (downloaded from svn) there's the Simulation folder in which the code is held, as well as the geometry and the inp files.

MC decoding

Digesting fluka output

Txt2root can be used to tuple the info from the MC simulation.

Fluka creates some output like: ProfilerNewCone001 _TXT.dat that contains the info from the scoring.

The Txt2Root executable can be built from the Simulation/TXT2ROOT folder.

Running the analizer

Once the tuple is available, the profiler code can be used to analyze it.

The code is now held under DoseProfiler project and can be compiled issuing the command

make Profiler

In order to compile the libraries, the GenFit external package has to be downloaded and installed.

To get the code and install it, follow the instructions in here. The code is available from GitHub and can be downloaded through

git clone https://github.com/GenFit/GenFit.git
  to run the code one has to issue the following command.

-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-12-02



Revision 22016-12-23 - AlessioSarti


Dose Profiler page

To download the DAQ stuff:
To download the DAQ stuff.
Software for decoding.
Software for decoding and simulation.


MC decoding


MC production

In lisa.
Inside the ProfilerCode folder (downloaded from svn) there's the Simulation folder in which the code is held, as well as the geometry and the inp files.
Latest MC version (Dec 2016) under /NAS_arpg/battist/Inside/v11

MC decoding


Digesting fluka output

Digesting fluka output
 Txt2root can be used to tuple the info from the MC simulation.
Fluka creates some output like: ProfilerNewCone001_TXT.dat that contains the info from the scoring.
Fluka creates some output like: ProfilerNewCone001 _TXT.dat that contains the info from the scoring.
The Txt2Root executable can be built from the Simulation/TXT2ROOT folder.

Running the analizer

Once the tuple is available, the profiler code can be used to analyze it.

The code is now held under DoseProfiler project and can be compiled issuing the command

make Profiler

to run the code one has to issue the following command.

  -- Alessio Sarti - 2016-12-02



Revision 12016-12-02 - AlessioSarti


Dose Profiler page

To download the DAQ stuff:


Software for decoding.


MC decoding

In lisa.

Latest MC version (Dec 2016) under /NAS_arpg/battist/Inside/v11

Digesting fluka output

Txt2root can be used to tuple the info from the MC simulation.

Fluka creates some output like: ProfilerNewCone001_TXT.dat that contains the info from the scoring.

Running the analizer

Once the tuple is available, the profiler code can be used to analyze it.

-- Alessio Sarti - 2016-12-02


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