Studies of the Phoswich detector Trento 2016


The code is kept under


There are several scripts to perform the data analysis that is structured in 3 steps:

  • Analysis of the spectra, calculation of the pedestal. To perform this step, use the * Ped* scripts.
  • Tupling production using the pedestal subtraction. To perform this step use the scripts without the Ped. This will produce ntuples that have the pedestal subtraction inside.
  • Creation of the histograms for the final data analysis.

Scripts are named Run*sh

The output of the job (rootfiles) is under


To produce the final histograms the macro AnaPhoswich.C is available.

The macro uses the following histograms:

hdt_stsc_stsd = ((TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("dt_stsc_stsd"));
 hdt_stsc_phos = ((TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("dt_stsc_phos"));
 hdt_stsd_phos = ((TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("dt_stsd_phos"));
 hq_stsc = ((TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("q_stsc"));
 hq_stsd = ((TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("q_stsd"));
 hq_phos = ((TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("q_phos"));

to compute the resolution and the charge distributions.


The data can be found in


The logbooks can be found in

-- Alessio Sarti - 2017-12-18


This topic: Main > WebHome > GruppoSBAM > ResearchProjects > PhoswichNov2016
Topic revision: r2 - 2017-12-18 - AlessioSarti
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