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Home page of the 2011 BTF Calorimeter TB

Code repository

The code repository can be found here:

  • svn co svn+ssh://<youraccount>@pcaen1.ing2.uniroma1.it/home/sarti/SvnRepos/TestBeamCode/Btf_2011_Calo (template for motorola 5100)
  • svn co svn+ssh://<youraccount>@pcaen1.ing2.uniroma1.it/home/sarti/SvnRepos/TestBeamCode/Btf_2011_CaloBridge (template for bridged acq)
  • svn co svn+ssh://<youraccount>@pcaen1.ing2.uniroma1.it/home/sarti/SvnRepos/TestBeamCode/Btf_2011_CaloBridgeDecode (template for bridged acq decoding/analysis)


Vista Top, plane 0 closest to the beam.


  • Lunedi' : Installazione
  • Martedi': Debug acquisizione + run Panda
Obiettivi fondamentali:


  • Crate sono direttamente alla Btf.



The acquisition software can be found in the top link at top of that page.

In order to run the acq you need to issue the command

  • acquire -n #evts -p #frequency check -f #filename
in order to stop it while running you need to type

  • touch acq.stop


The software for the data processing is being developed. You can get (download) the latest version with the instruction reported @ top of that page.

Configuration (implemented in the configuration file conf_180411.txt):

  • TDC: Chn 0-31 --> Chamber
  • TDC: Chn 32-33 --> Sipm
  • TDC: Chn 48,50 --> Calo, RF (trigger)
  • TDC: Chn 51,52 --> PMT's
  • QDC: 0, 3, 4, 5, 6 --> Calo, Sipm 1, 2, PMT 1, 2


All the runs taken during the test beam can be downloaded from THIS LINK

Making and running

After having downloaded the package you can compile the analizer by issuing the command

make Analizer

or, if you are using a Mac

make -f makefile_mac Analizer

Before that you need to have ROOT installed. To check the options available in running, after having compiled the executable, you can run it using -hepl option

./Analizer -help

The output will be

Analizer help:
 Ex: Analizer [opts] 
 possible opts are:
      -out path/file : [def=dumb.root] Root output file
      -in path/file  : [def=../data/test.txt] Unformatted input file
      -con path/file : [def=conf_test.txt] Configuration file
      -str path/file : [def=11009_1] S-T relations name from spline files
      -deb value     : [def=0] Enables debugging. Values 1,2 are allowed
      -nev value     : [def=10^7] Numbers of events to process
      -evd value     : [def=0] Enables the event display
      -pla           : if present store the Root-pla with the event info

In order to run on a given run using the already existing ST relations (see next paragraph) and producing an ntuple with decoded information you can use the command line

./Analizer -in data/Run_32_200411.dat -out rootfiles/Run_32_200411.root -con conf_180411.txt -str spl/file_stlist_2000.txt -pla

A script to perform 'standard' Run decoding is provided as well:

./processRun.pl Run_32_200411

will take run Run_32_200411 data from data/Run_32_200411.dat and produce the output rootfiles/Run_32_200411.root

Tuple analysis

To access the decoded data an executable is provided: AnaTup.

You can build it using the command

make -f make_anatuple AnaTup

and you can process a given tuple using the command

./AnaTup -f rootfiles/Run_64_210411.root

Producing ST relations

The ST relations can be produced by running the strelscript.sh script that takes as input the Run n. 53 (-in data/Run_53_200411.dat) and provides the ST relations applied in the analizer. ST files are kept in spl and relative plots are produced in directory plots

Log Book

Trigger config:

Filename Config file HV condition thres Gas condition General Description Day Events
test_190411.dat conf_180411 2.0 kV Chmb, 15 mV. Sipm, 32 mV Ar CO2 90/10 Triggering on RF, high efficiency 19/04 11:00 "
RunTest_190411.dat " 2.0 kV " " " " 12:46 26k
Run_1_190411.dat conf_180411 " " " " " 17:00 23k
Run_2_190411.dat " " " " Adjusted Linear fan in/out. Now the 1st sipm appeared. Still need to recovery the second one. " 17:15 7k
Pedestal_2,3,4_190411.dat " " " " Trying to recover the second SIPM. Pedestal disappears. --> recovered in run 'pedestal_4' " 17:25 3k
Run_3_190411.dat " " " " First 'decent' run " 17:45  
Pedestal_Scint_190411.dat " " " " Pedestal run to see the newly added scintillators how are performing " 18:46  
Run_4_190411 " " " " Added two scintillators on the beam line to test the timing. Sipms are shutted down. "  
Run_5_190411 " " " " Turned on the Sipm! " 18:58  
Run_6_190411 " " " " Stessa configurazione " 19:20 10 k
Run_7_190411 " " " " Tolti scintillatori con PMTs posizione 3 Big con Sipm, posizione 3 small con Sipm " 19:55 10 k
Run_8_190411 " " " " posizione 1 Big con Sipm, posizione 1 Small con Sipm " 20:15 10 k
Run_9_190411 " " " " posizione 5 Big con Sipm, posizione 5 Small con Sipm " 20:35 10 k
Run_10_190411 " " " " stessa posizione per aumentare la statistica. Fascio si e' spento a meta' del file " 20:40 10 k
Run_11_190411 " " " " stessa posizione " 20:55 10 k
Run_12_190411 " " " " posizione 4 Big con Sipm, posizione 4 Small con Sipm " 21:15 10 k
Run_13_190411 " " " " posizione 2 Big con Sipm, posizione 2 Small con Sipm. Interrotto a causa del cambio in e " 21:30 8.5 k
Run_14_190411 " " " " posizione 6 Big con Sipm, posizione 2 Small con Sipm " 22:00 10 k
Run_Sipm_0_200411 conf_180411 " Chmb, 15 mV. Sipm, 42 mV, PM 20 mV " Sipm e PM in posizione 1. (Small) 20/04 11:20  
Run_32_200411 " " " " " 13:00 10k
Run_33_200411 " " " " " " 20k
Run_34_200411 " " " " Sipm e PM in posizione 3 (Small) Run-lungo 13:15 100k
Run_35_200411 " " " " Sipm e PM in posizione 5 (Small) 14:40 40k
Run_36_200411 " " " " " fascio un po' sporco 15:40 9k
Run_37_200411 " " " " Sipm e PM in posizione 4 (Small) - switch e+/e- poca statistica (da riprendere) 16:05 30k
Run_38_200411 " " Chmb, 15 mV. Sipm, 10 mV, PM 20 mV "

Sipm e PM in posizione 2 (Small) switch e-/e+

poca statistica (da riprendere)

16:46 20k
Run_39_200411 " " " " " 17:05 20k
Run_40_200411 " " " " " 17:31 9k
Run_41_200411 " " " " " Soglia fissata a 30 mV run di prova 17:56 2.2k
Run_42_200411 " " Chmb, 15 mV. Sipm, 30 mV, PM 20 mV " " 18:10 20k
Run_43_200411 " " " " Sipm in posizione 4 19:00 20 k
Run_44_200411 " " " " Big Sipm in posizione 5; Big PMT in posizione 5 19:35 20 k
Run_45_200411 " " " " Big Sipm in posizione 3; Big PMT in posizione 3. Interrotto per switch e+ to e- 20:05 20 k
Run_46_200411 " " " " " 20:15 20 k
Run_47_200411 " " " " Big Sipm in posizione 1; Big PMT in posizione 1. Due cambi di fascio nel file 20:35 20 k
Run_48_200411 " " " " " 20:55 5 k
Run_49_200411 " " " " Big Sipm in posizione 6; Big PMT in posizione 6 21:05 20 k
Run_50_200411 " " " " Big Sipm in posizione 4; Big PMT in posizione 4; cambio fascio e+ to e- a 18000 eventi 21:35 20 k
Run_51_200411 " " " " " 21:50 5 k
Run_52_200411 " " " " Big Sipm in posizione 2; Big PMT in posizione 2 22:00 20 k
Run_53_200411 " " Chmb 15mV " No scintillatori. Set-up alla PANDA 22:30  
Run_57_210411 " "

Chmb 15 mV,

SipmI: 29.6 V 28.9 mV

SipmII: 30.5 V 28.9 mV

" Sipm I e Sipm II per scan in soglia e tensione di alimentazione 12:00 11.6k
Run_58_210411 " "

Chmb 15 mV,

SipmI:29.6 V 20 mV

SipmII:30.5 V 20 mV

" " 12:20 9.7k
Run_59_210411 " "

Chmb 15 mV,

SipmI: 29.6 V 10 mV

SipmII: 30.5 V 10 mV

" " 12:35 9.9k
Run_60_210411 " "

Chmb 15 mV,

SipmI: 30.1 V 30 mV

SipmII: 31 V 30 mV

" " 12:55 10k
Run_61_210411 " "

Chmb 15 mV,

SipmI: 30.1 V 30 mV

SipmII: 31 V 30 mV

" Cavo Sipm srotolato (rumore @ 15kHz sembra indipendente dal guadagno) 13:10 10k
Run_62_210411 " "

Chmb 15 mV,

SipmI: 30.1 V 20 mV

SipmII: 31 V 20 mV

" " 13:30 90.9k
Run_63_210411 " "

Chmb 15 mV,

SipmI: 30.6 V 20 mV

SipmII: 31.5 V 20 mV

" " 16:20 10k
Run_64_210411 " "

Chmb 15 mV,

SipmI: 31.1 V 20 mV

SipmII: 32 V 20 mV

" " 16:35 10k
Run_65_210411 " "

Chmb 15 mV,

SipmI: 31.6 V 20 mV

SipmII: 32.5 V 20 mV

" Attenuazione di 6 dB del segnale in ingresso al QDC 17:00 10k
Run_66_210411 " " " " " scamiato l'ordine dei Sipm, ora il piu' piccolo e' il piu' vicino al fascio 17:30 10k


  • 18/04: installato il tutto
  • 19/04 mattina: arrivano gli scintillatori e si riesce finalmente a far partire l'acquisizione.
  • 19/04 : Ore 17. Dopo aver sostituito il crate nim, finalmente vediamo i tempi della camera e della RF
  • 19/04 : Ore 18:30 big con Sipm=posizione 3; Small con Sipm=posizione 3; Big con PMT=posizione 3; Small con PMT=posizione a caso.
  • 19/04 : Ore 19:40 tolti gli scintillatori con PMTs; iniziato lo scan in posizione
  • 19/04 : Ore 22:20 stop scan in posizione scintillatori. Durante la notte cameretta a 2 kV e pallino ai panda. Si spera di fare T0 e ST relations
  • 20/04 : Ore 11:20. Rimesso in posizione Small Sipm e Fotomoltiplicatori. Camera ancora a 2. kV. Soglie SIPM @ 42 mV, Soglie PM @ 20 mV.
  • 20/04: Ore 16:40. Cambio soglie Sipm da 42 mV a 10 mV (il valore di tensione letto sulla scheda va diviso per un fattore 4.5)
  • 20/04: Ore 17:40. Cambio soglie Sipm da 10 mV a 30 mV (segnale affogato dal rumore)
  • 20/04: Ore 19:35. Inizio scan in posizione Big Sipm e PMT. Soglia Sipm=30 mV
  • 20/04: Ore 22:30. Rimossi scintillatori. Set-up PANDA
  • 21/04: Ore 11:00. Si parte con lo scan in soglia e guadagno dei Sipm (scintillatore grande davanti, piccolo dietro)
-- AlessioSarti - 2011-04-13
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Topic revision: r17 - 2011-05-26 - AlessioSarti
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