Master Degree in Electronics Engineering
Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Elettronica
Multidisciplinary Laboratory of Electronics I (A. Y. 2021 - 2022)
Laboratorio Multidisciplinare di Elettronica I (A. A. 2021 - 2022)

Introduction to the course
Course description, program, recommended textbooks. Overview of measuring devices and techniques treated in the course. Bibliography and practical notes. (notes).
Vector Network Analyzer (VNA)
VNA introduction: block diagram. Generation section. Test and detecting section. Mixer and superheterodyne detector. Vector network analyzer: accuracy and calibration techniques. VNA calibration and uncertainty. VNA calibration: systematic errors. 6,8,12- parameters error models. Calibration techniques SOLT, TRL.

Notes on:
Network analyzer,
Group delay, electrical delay and phase offset,
Automatic measurements of Q,
Front panel of instruments.

Extra material:
1) Notes on fundamentals of VNA measurements and VNA architecture.
2) Notes on VNA measure accuracy.
3) Manual HP8753: "Measurement Calibration" (da 6-57 a 6-82) and "Optimising Measurement Results" (from 5-1 to 5-89).
4) AN Agilent on mobile network analyzer FieldFox; NEW
5) Information gathering on measurements with VNA (tesxt with links, web page); NEW
Spectrum Analyzer (SPA)
Spectrum analyzer introduction: main uses and block diagram, structure and functioning. Spectrum analyzer parameters. Non-linear systems parameters and their SPA measurements. VCO parameters and their SPA measurements. (notes on strucure and sui measurements parameters).

Extra material:
DANL for Spectrum Analyzer.
Fundamentals of Spectrum Analysis.
Uncertainty Theory
Uncertainty theory and uncertainty propagation. Linear fit and uncertainty (Notes on uncertainty and linear interpolation).
Transmission lines theory
Transmission lines, primary and secondary constants. Coaxial cable and transmission lines model. Attenuation, Impedance and Reflection Coefficient. Coaxial line closed on a load. (notes).

Extra material:
1) Demo on Freqeuncy use, trasnmission lines and mismatch.
2) Coaxial line parameters;
Scattering matrix theory
Scattering matrix definition and properties. Scattering matrix of simple components (notes, S matrix computation, coaxial cable, S matrix of lumped elements, Mathematica Notebook on Measurements on coaxial cables ).
Resonant cavities theory External characterization of resonant cavities, effect of perturbations of cavity’s form, tuning of cavities and field measurements in resonant structures. Circuital models of measurements transmission and S21 of resonators (class presentation, field in cavity and overview of DUT ).

Extra material:
1) Lecture on RF basics.
2) Lecture on Power coupling in cavities.
3) Proof of Slater’s theorem.
4) Parameters of a cavity.
5) Notebook on cavity model;.
Time Domain Reflectometry theory Introduction to Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR). Principles of TDR. TDR with synthetic impulse. TDR main practical issues with synthetic impulse. Lab sessions comments. ( class presentation, notes for TDR with lumped elements).

Extra material:
1) AN Agilent on TDR introduction;
2) AN Agilent on TDR for microstrip measurements;
3) AN Agilent on TDR with network analyzer ; NEW
4) AN Rhode on TDR with network analyzer;
5) Notes on FFT fenestration;
6) Comparison between TDR with real impulse and with synthetic impulse.
7) Notes on time domain techniques.
9) Keysight Presentation on TDR and transmission lines; NEW
10) Keysight Presentation on TDR and mobile VNA; NEW
11) Agilent Presentation on TDR, S parameters and differential measurements; NEW
12) Gore Presentation on uncertainty on TDR measurements; NEW
13) AN Agilent on TDR measurements with FieldFox analyzer; NEW
Elementary signals theory
Square wave and its transform. Step-Recovery diodes. Modulated signals and their measure. (notes)
Field and Qloaded measurements with SPA
Narrow-band field measurements. (notes).

Open Lab

Advanced measurements on PNA and FieldFox.

Individual tests A.A. 2014-15

January 23, 2015, January 29-30, 2015,

Individual tests A.A. 2015-16

December, 2015. January 22, 2016, January 25, 2016, January 29, 2016, February 17-23, 2016,

Individual tests A.A. 2016-17

January 12, 2017, January 19-20, 2017, January 26-27, 2017, February 2, 2017. February 9, 2017.

Individual tests A.A. 2017-18

January 17-19, 2018. January 24, 2018. January 31, 2018. February 8,2018. February 21, 2018. March 2, 2018.

Individual tests A.A. 2018-19

January 25, 2019. January 31, 2019. February 07, 2019. February 18, 2019. February 22, 2019. March 6, 2019. March 7, 2019. March 15, 2019.

Last update on September, 22 2021, A.M.